About Us


    Perryn Peterson, Founder of Mieville

    Photo of Perryn Peterson, Mayor of Mieville

    Perryn Peterson joined SL in July 2006. He spent his first two years onboarding, learning, exploring, and presiding within the City of Piedmont, a Gorean-friendly community. When Piedmont crumbled, the idea of Mieville was born. Perryn acquired what would become the original Mieville lands around July 2008 and construction began at once. 

    Creation of Mieville: Perryn and colleagues created Mieville in July 2008 very intentionally to be a Victorian Steampunk community. He envisioned Mieville as a site with "real character" and that would provide a home for like-minded residents, merchants, creators, builders, and educators. Perryn took on the role of Mayor of Mieville and presided over Mieville's weekly Town Hall open meetings where all were welcome to join in the shaping of future events. He added the elements of fun and silliness by stating the community should "not take itself too seriously." 

    Historical Hunts & Events: A big part of Perryn's vision was the creation of fun hunts, activities, and events planned by Mieville for all interested SL residents to enjoy. In 2009, Perryn and colleagues created the STEAM Hunt, SL's first grid-wide Steampunk-themed hunt. In 2010, the grid-wide Silk Road Hunt debuted, followed by Mieville's grid-wide Renaissance Hunt in 2011. These became known collectively by the name Mieville Historical Hunts (MHH). It is a testament to Perryn's vision and thorough planning that all three of these original Historical Hunts continue annually to this day.

    Mieville's Philosophy on Inclusion & Diversity: A large part of Mieville's longevity is due to Perryn's founding principles of inclusion and fostering diversity. In Nov. 2018, Mieville's Mayor Perry Peterson explained as follows:

         "When I first joined SL, as everyone does, I searched for a place where I felt that I "belonged," where I would be welcomed and where I could contribute something distinctive  to this, our digital world. Unfortunately, I found that I was not welcomed in very many places. Most which I visited suggested or required that I wear a "visitor tag" so that everyone would know that I was "NOT" a part of that culture. I find this practice to be EXclusive rather than INclusive. If I tried to join a conversation, I was usually ignored; if I attempted to IM someone privately to find out how to "join up," generally I was not encouraged. At worst, I was sneered at or ridiculed."

         "Mieville is different."

         "If strangers arrive, we welcome them warmly, offer them a seat, enquire about their reasons for exploring Mieville. If they are furries or aliens or non-speaking entities, we exercise our curiosity and ask them questions about themselves and, perhaps, why they have chosen to represent themselves here in SL as what they are, where the choices for doing so are effectively infinite. In this way, over the seven years that I hae been here, I have made many friends ranging from giants to Tinies, from dragons to unicorns! Let us continue to welcome ALL avatars (and the people sitting at the keyboards behind them) to Mieville! For now, please welcome the Mieville Messenger as an enrichment to our already diverse culture." *

    All who knew Perryn knew him to be kind, generous, patient and tolerant, a unifier, and always striving to grow Mieville in positive and fun ways. He was well-known and respected throughout SL. Although Mieville was founded as a Victorian Steampunk community, strict or even loose role play was not required or enforced. Mr. Mayor was famously private about his RL and health issues, and devoted daily time and care instead to Mieville and its residents. He took concrete steps to ensure that Mieville would continue should the unthinkable occur, and he made sure we knew a trust had been set up. He led us and taught us to follow his example of emphasizing inclusion, tolerance, and above all having fun in SL. After two long absences, it was confirmed to the Mieville community in Feb. 2023 that Mr. Mayor had passed. There are no words.

    The community has carried on, hopefully in his honor. In continuing Mieville and preserving its lands and traditions, we know we are doing what Mr. Mayor wanted, with positivity and love.

    * Credits: Quoted text and photo from The Mieville Messenger, Inaugural Edition, Nov. 16, 2013: https://mievillemessenger.wordpress.com/2013/11/16/3/ ; Photographer unknown