Saturday, January 18, 2025

STEAM XIX: Call for Applications, Jan 18 thru Feb 18 2025!

Hello, Hello, Historical Hunts Merchants! Yes, STEAM XIX is around the corner!

Applications open Jan. 18 thru Feb. 15, 2025 to apply to participate in STEAM XIX: Around the World in 80 Days!

This will be a Grid-Wide Hunt and Expo with Themed Markets and a Game! The event will take place March 1-31, 2025.

STEAM XIX: Around the World in 80 Days - Poster for Grid-Wide Hunt & Expo

➜ Applications Close: Feb. 15, 2025
  (You will be notified when your application is accepted!)

We haven't done a Grid-Wide Hunt with an Event in a while so here's a quickie refresh:

Theme: As you can see, the theme will be "Around the World in 80 Days." For gifts, be thinking about Jules Verne's work, general Steampunk / Victorian-era fun items, timeless stuff, etc. (We're pretty flexible.)

Choice: You can choose to participate in either the Grid-Wide Hunt, the Expo Themed Markets, or both!

For the Grid-Wide Hunt, you create a themed gift (or timeless gift) and hide it in your own shop, following our standard guidelines. 

For the Expo, we will have Themed Markets on Mieville sims. You choose a booth and put some of your products there for sale. Ideally, some of your products will be in-theme.

Game & Prizes! We also plan to develop a fun game that will take you through Mieville sims & Themed Market areas collecting specific items to earn points you can use to get free gifts! 
* If you woud like to contribute a free gift for the game at your Themed Market Booth, just indicate that on your application form. Many thanks!! :)

Not familiar with our processes or need more details? Please do review our General Hunt & Event Guidelines

Any questions, please do let us know. Hope you will join us! Let's have fun!

Your Friendly Mieville Librarian,

Poster by Farzy & AI

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Ready for a Love Potion?

Hi Friends - Verne is sponsoring a Love Potion Valentine's Market, now through Feb. 15, 2025! 

Poster for Verne's Love Potion Valentine's Market

Merchants' Call: No reservation, first come, first serve, so hurry up! ♥️

❦ Details for merchants: Magic World group needed for rezzing; Group joiner available onsite. Max. 40 prims, miepons allowed, vendor casper welcome, objects on display ok. No fees; tip jar available onsite if you would like to contribute. Free gifts for visitors also welcome.

Come check it out

Visitors: Welcome at any time! 

♥ Market is open as soon as merchant(s) set up, so please do visit often to check for more! There will be a central point for free gifts too! 


More News: ♡ ♡ ♡ This info also available at Mieville's brand new Welcome Center! Drop by and touch the Love Potion sign for a notecard! Here are some pics of the new Welcome Center - hope you all like it!

Exterior of the new Welcome Center!

The front lobby, where we will publicize our Events & Mieville Madness!
You'll find our Group Join, LM, Blog & Flickr info here too!

Our teleport directories to all Mieville sims are now outdoors!
So easy to use too!

Nice seating area for relaxing & chatting!

The prettiest patio!

Drop by and visit the new Welcome Center to acclimate yourself to the new site! Many thanks to Bella for putting this in place! Many thanks to nana and Pierre for the Love Potion Valentine's Market too! Hope you all enjoy! ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Your friendly Mieville Librarian,

Photos by Farzy