Use this landmark to start your adventure!
Mieville in Second Life is an active, inclusive and diverse multi-sim Moderate community of residents, creators, builders, merchants, artists & educators. We share interests in creativity, historic themes, friendship, community socializing, and fun! Our Mieville Historical Hunts (MHH) proudly presents three annual grid-wide hunts (STEAM, the Silk Road Hunt, and the Renaissance Hunt & Faire) plus numerous community events throughout the year. Come visit and join us - all are welcome!
Hello, Hello, Historical Hunts Merchants! Yes, STEAM XIX is around the corner!
Applications open Jan. 18 thru Feb. 15, 2025 to apply to participate in STEAM XIX: Around the World in 80 Days!
This will be a Grid-Wide Hunt and Expo with Themed Markets and a Game! The event will take place March 1-31, 2025.
Hi Friends - Verne is sponsoring a Love Potion Valentine's Market, now through Feb. 15, 2025!
Merchants' Call: No reservation, first come, first serve, so hurry up! ♥️
❦ Details for merchants: Magic World group needed for rezzing; Group joiner available onsite. Max. 40 prims, miepons allowed, vendor casper welcome, objects on display ok. No fees; tip jar available onsite if you would like to contribute. Free gifts for visitors also welcome.
Visitors: Welcome at any time!
♥ Market is open as soon as merchant(s) set up, so please do visit often to check for more! There will be a central point for free gifts too!
♥ ♥ ♥
More News: ♡ ♡ ♡ This info also available at Mieville's brand new Welcome Center! Drop by and touch the Love Potion sign for a notecard! Here are some pics of the new Welcome Center - hope you all like it!